In the bustling world of the 21st century, amidst the digital revolution, a group of passionate educators, child psychologists, and avid readers noticed a concerning trend. The joy of reading, once the cornerstone of childhood, was dimming in the bright light of screens. Research from organisations like the OECD and the National Literacy Trust pointed towards a decline in children’s reading enjoyment and a growing gap in critical thinking skills (National Literacy Trust, 2020; OECD, 2019). Also, insights from critical studies published by OECD, and promoted by the World Economic Forum and the UN, emphasised on books and a reading habit being critical factors contributing towards both academic and non-academic success of individuals over a lifetime, which applies effectively to the requirements of 21st Century students.

This observation ignited a spark, leading to the birth of The Book Therapy – a venture not just to bring back the allure of reading but to transform it into a dynamic tool for learning and cognitive development in the 21st century. Our founders and the core team, a diverse team with expertise in education, child development, and literature, envisioned a world where reading was both a window and a mirror to young minds – reflecting their realities and offering views into others.


The Book Therapy’s Reading Programme was meticulously crafted to be fun, contextual, and organic. Each Lit Box, brimming with handpicked books, is a journey into different worlds, thoughts, and perspectives. These are not just stories; they’re stepping stones to building empathy, enhancing comprehension, and nurturing critical thinking – essential skills in today’s ever-evolving global landscape.

Also, with every next Lit Box, the reader elevates herself/ himself to an appetite of progression in both content- and context-complexity across diverse literature; all designed to take them from where they are to where they ought to be.

But our commitment goes beyond just curating books. We’re dedicated to making education accessible, enjoyable, and relevant. By intertwining the pleasure of reading with the rigours of learning, we’re paving a new path in education – one that respects the past but is firmly rooted in the present and looks eagerly towards the future.


Our story is one of transformation – of education, of reading, and most importantly, of the young learners who join us on this journey. It’s a story we’re proud to write every day, with every book and every child that becomes part of The Book Therapy family.