FAQs (By Teachers)

FAQs (By Parents)

The Book Therapy Reading Programme is an immersive and enriching initiative aimed at instilling a love for reading and building a diverse home library for students. It provides carefully curated books, interactive activities, worksheets, and engaging discussions to enhance their reading journey and foster cognitive connections. Also, one of the reasons to keep this programme strictly offline is to provide necessary respite to students from screen time (even if  it is good screen time), where they can have a very constructive avenue to relax, learn, and have fun, all at the same time. Another reason for us to choose the offline mode for this programme is to introduce students to realistic literary text and not the dialled-down or diluted text (many a time, provided under online/ electronic Reading Programmes, under the pretext
of providing more accessible content). So, with The Book Therapy  programme, what they are reading is as real as what they are expected to read in terms of literary content. We persevere to provide accessibility for all types of new readers by searching for the best possible organic content in terms of books in the literary market (titles which are also often respected and appreciated in the publishing and literary segments) and putting all the chosen books through a rigorous curation process, and passing on the gems to the students.

Research has shown that children who grow up with access to a variety of books tend to have higher reading comprehension skills, excel in standardised tests, and achieve greater academic and non-academic milestones. The programme aims to enable students to develop a reading habit and nurture lifelong readers, and in that pursuit, help them build their home library (and a dedicated reading environment or space).

The books received through The Book Therapy Reading Programme gradually progress in difficulty levels to align with students’ reading development. As they advance through each annual reading journey, the books will become more challenging to stimulate their growth and expand their reading skills. Moreover, within a single annual programme itself, the difficulty in terms of reading levels would increase gradually, such that the students can organically adapt to these levels.

We understand that every child has their reading pace. If a student hasn’t finished reading a book before the next one arrives, encourage them to continue reading at their own pace. The programme is designed to provide a diverse collection of books, and the focus is on fostering a love for reading rather than strict timelines. They can always revisit the unfinished book later or even catch up during days of the week which are less packed for them. Once they start living amidst books as a part of their routine, picking up a book would gradually become akin to a natural constructive habit. 

Teachers play a vital role in fostering a love for reading and supporting the Reading Programme’s effectiveness. You can encourage students to participate actively, facilitate book discussions, recommend related activities, and integrate the books into classroom lessons. Your enthusiasm and support for reading will inspire and motivate students to embrace the Reading Programme fully.

Absolutely! We value teachers’ expertise and recommendations. If you come across books that align with the programme’s goals and cater to students’ interests, please share your suggestions with us. Also, while making suggestions, please do mention the Lexile scores for the books, along with the imprints and editions, which would further help us in assessing those
particular books. These books would be put through the rigourous curation process taking into account a lexile framework strategy by the The Book Therapy team, along with other parameters that come into play during the curation process. Your recommendations will contribute to creating a diverse and engaging collection of books for the programme. 

As a teacher, you can monitor students’ progress partly from the Student Dashboard data (a summary of which will be sent to you, every month) and partly from your observations of their interactions or experiences with the programme. For this, whenever time permits, you can also incorporate book discussions and reading activities into your classroom routines. Encourage
students to share their thoughts and insights about the books they have read, and provide opportunities for them to showcase their learning. Additionally, regular communication with parents can help you stay informed about your students’ progress at home.

Right now, The Book Therapy Lit Box and its contents are what a student receives. The teachers would also receive the exact Lit Boxes that the students receive. There are no dedicated resources for teachers at the moment. But, shortly, The Book Therapy team will be offering supplementary resources and materials to support teachers in implementing The Book Therapy Reading Programme effectively. Moreover, these resources will also enable you to effectively integrate long-reading exercises into their teaching journey in an academic year. These may include discussion guides, activity suggestions, worksheets, and assessment tools. Our goal is to assist you in creating an engaging and enriching reading experience for students. But, as a cautionary note, we can clearly state that the effectiveness of these resources and support content may vary from teacher to teacher based on the varying degree of executable steps they implement in their routine teaching journey; and, we do understand and empathise with the fact that all these factors depend on a teacher’s schedule. But, irrespective of that, the Book Therapy Reading Programme is designed to be an ‘Openand-Use’ product, with almost no requirement for specialised implementation strategies from multiple stakeholders involved. It’s all about the relationship between a reader and a book.

Collaboration between teachers and parents can act as a critical catalyst for the success of the Reading Programme. Share information about the programme with parents, including reading goals, suggested activities, and ways they can support their child’s reading at home.
Regular communication, such as having discussions on insights from The Book Therapy Newsletter during parent-teacher meetings, can foster a strong partnership and create a cohesive reading culture for the students.

Yes, we provide a range of supplementary resources and materials along with the Book that can be used by teachers in enriching the Reading Programme. If time permits, they can include these resources in their lesson plans, add vocabulary lists, or comprehension activities, and discuss reading strategies. We would also be providing a huge array of reading insights and essential information for teachers to refer to on our online platform. You can access these materials on our official website or get regular updates about them by subscribing to our newsletter. You can also contact our team for assistance.

We understand the importance of professional development for teachers, and we are planning to offer workshops and training sessions focused on enhancing reading instruction and incorporating the Reading Programme effectively. But, these workshops are only for teachers who are genuinely and sincerely interested in such exercises and are passionate about enabling
such skills, flairs, and colours to their candidature and their teaching journey. Keep an eye out for announcements and invitations to these professional development opportunities.

Engaging reluctant readers can be a challenge, but there are several strategies you can employ. Through The Book Therapy Reading Programme, we intend to provide a variety of book options to cater to different interests and reading levels. As a teacher, you can incorporate book talks, reading aloud, and interactive activities to make the reading experience enjoyable. Sometimes,
even making students do some of the activities in the classroom would do wonders towards motivating reluctant readers to keep going. Celebrate small milestones and achievements to motivate reluctant readers and build their confidence.

Absolutely! We encourage collaboration among educators using the Reading Programme. Consider forming book clubs, sharing best practices, and exchanging ideas with fellow teachers. Collaborative efforts can enhance the reading experience for students and provide a supportive network for teachers.

The Reading Programme is designed to cater to students with diverse reading abilities. As a teacher, you can differentiate instructions/suggestions on reading strategies, offer support through guided reading or individual conferences, and incorporate scaffolding techniques.
Personalised support and ongoing quizzes will help meet the unique needs of each student.

The Book Therapy Reading Programme is an immersive and enriching initiative aimed at instilling a love for reading and building a diverse home library for students. It provides carefully curated books, interactive activities, worksheets, and engaging discussions to enhance their reading journey and foster cognitive connections. Also, one of the reasons to keep this programme strictly offline is to provide necessary respite to students from screen time (even if it is good screen time), where they can have a very constructive avenue to relax, learn, and have fun, all at the same time. Another reason for us to choose the offline mode for this programme is to introduce students to realistic literary text and not the dialled-down or diluted text (many a time, provided under online/ electronic Reading Programmes, under the pretext
of providing more accessible content). So, with The Book Therapy programme, what they are reading is as real as what they are expected to read in terms of literary content. We persevere to provide accessibility for all types of new readers by searching for the best possible organic content in terms of books in the literary market (titles which are also often respected and appreciated in the publishing and literary segments) and putting all the chosen books through a rigorous curation process, and passing on the gems to the students.

You can support your child’s reading progress by establishing a consistent reading routine at home. Set aside dedicated time each day for reading and create a quiet and comfortable reading environment. Engage in discussions about the books your child is reading and encourage them to ask questions and share their thoughts. Celebrate their reading milestones and provide positive reinforcement to keep them motivated.

It’s normal for children to encounter books that may be more challenging. Encourage your child to give it a try, but if they find it too difficult, it’s okay to set it aside and choose another book that matches their reading level and interests. The Reading Programme offers a wide range of  books, and our team can provide recommendations based on your child’s reading abilities.
From the second Lit Box onwards, the child starts building options and in effect a library of  titles at home. And as the home library keeps on growing as a constructive and therapeutic habit space for them, the child evolves into the habit of reading and graduating to increasingly challenging books to sate their growing appetite for consuming more and more challengingcum-stimulating story experiences.

Absolutely! Reading with your child is a great way to foster a love for reading and enhance their comprehension skills. Take turns reading aloud, discuss the story together, and ask questions to encourage deeper understanding. By engaging in shared reading experiences, you can bond with your child and make reading even more enjoyable.

We provide regular progress updates to parents, including information about the books your child has read and their reading milestones. Also, the student dashboard would enable you to keep track of your child’s progress in terms of every exercise evidence submitted by them into their portal after completing every book they receive. If your child is too young, then, you can help them upload the evidence of their completed exercises of worksheets, activity sheets, and quizzes, which would be processed into easily readable data points to track your child’s progress in the Reading Programme. Moreover, your child’s reading experience is augmented with our reward system, where they receive rewards for every task completed. And, these reward points are redeemable on The Book Therapy website for some really meaningful
purchases they/ you can make to further enhance their reading appetite. Additionally, you can engage in conversations with your child about the books they are reading, ask them to summarize the stories, or even have them read aloud to you to assess their fluency and comprehension.

Every child reads at their own pace, and it’s perfectly fine if they haven’t finished a book before the next one arrives. The Reading Programme is designed to provide a variety of books, and your child can continue reading the previous book alongside the new one. The focus is on fostering a love for reading and exploring different genres and topics.

You can create a reading-friendly environment by setting up a cosy reading nook with comfortable seating and good lighting. Have a designated space to store your child’s books, creating a mini-library where they can easily access their reading materials. Encourage family members to share their love for reading and engage in reading-related activities together.

Our Reading Programme provides age-appropriate and carefully curated book selections for each reading level. Our team considers various factors such as reading ability, interests, and reading goals when choosing books for your child. But, primarily the Reading Programme is designed on the foundation of a very firm framework developed by our R&D team. You can trust our expertise in selecting books that will engage and challenge your child while aligning
with their developmental stage.

While we strive to offer a diverse range of books, specific book requests may not always be accommodated due to the structured nature of the Reading Programme. However, we encourage you to provide information about your child’s interests and preferences, and we will make every effort to include books that align with their preferences within the scope of the programme. Moreover, we intend to provide a huge and growing variety of expertly and
thoughtfully curated titles on The Book Therapy website, where you can purchase additional books beyond the list of titles in the Reading Programme, which you/ your child may need to enhance their reading experience and appetite. Here, the redeemable reward points collected through your child’s exercises within the Reading Programme can act as meaningful discounts
on such purchases.

Yes! As part of The Book Therapy Reading Programme, we are planning to provide supplementary resources and materials to support parents in fostering a love for reading at home. These may include reading guides, activity ideas, and tips on how to make reading a fun and interactive experience for your child. You can also reach out to our team for personalised recommendations and guidance.

If your child is a reluctant reader, we understand the challenges that can come with cultivating a reading habit. Our Reading Programme is designed to engage and motivate children through a variety of captivating books. Additionally, our team can provide suggestions on strategies to encourage reading, such as finding books that align with their interests or incorporating reading into daily routines.

Encouraging independent reading can be fostered by creating a supportive environment. Set aside dedicated reading time where distractions are minimized, and provide a selection of additional books (if required; where again you can access the expertise of The Book Therapy team and find great and thoughtfully curated titles on our website) that appeal to your child’s
interests and growing appetite. Celebrate their reading accomplishments and offer praise and positive reinforcement. Regularly discuss their reading experiences and ask open-ended questions to spark their interest and critical thinking.

Making reading a family activity can be a wonderful way to promote literacy and strengthen family bonds. Schedule family reading time where everyone reads their books together. Choose any book from the programme and plan read-aloud exercises as a family, taking turns reading. chapters or pages. Discuss the stories, characters, and themes, and even consider starting a family book club where you can share and discuss books together.

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